do it yourself

DIY Mother’s Day Gifts

Remember when we were kids and every year in school we would have arts & crafts to create our parents gifts for Mother’s Day and Father’s Day? Those were the easy days. Now we take them out to brunch, buy them gifts, or tidy up their home just to say thank you for birthing us. (more…)

DIY Succulent Plants

This California drought has brought out the succulents. I’ve seen more and more in the market place, fake and real. However, I think the beauty and striking appearance of them has attracted buyers to them rather than the fact that they are the easiest plant to care for. (more…)

DIY Valentine’s Day Scratch Off Card

Good afternoon readers!
Today is a beautiful day that needs to be enjoyed outside. But first, let me give you a quick Valentine’s Day DIY since that special day is coming up right around the corner. Even though Valentine’s Day has become more of a ‘Hallmark Holiday’ and people have started to care less about spoiling their significant other on this day, I still like to do something cute. I know, I know… ‘but Jessica, you’re supposed to show your partner that you love them EVERYDAY.’ I do! (more…)

DIY Lace Bralette

Come on, you’ve seen them worn in many cute ways. Or just worn. AND in many cute forms! BUT have you considered making your own to save some money or to create them in your size? (more…)

DIY Lucky Origami Stars

About six years ago I took an adventure through China Town in LA and came across a small store that had a jar of cute paper stars. The lady behind the table noticed my interested and told me about them. I remember her telling me a story about them, she showed me the package of paper strips to make them, and then showed me personally how to make them. (more…)

DIY Dandelion Paperweight

See that yellow flowered weed that is growing in your yard? One day it’ll burst into a silly looking, white dandelion seed head. You’ll either stomp on it, cut it out, or have the same mentality as I do about them. That dandelion means something to someone like me. When I was younger I was told that they make wishes come true. Close your eyes, whisper a wish into the seeds, then blow them into the air.


DIY Beer Mug Etching

Well hello there,
thanks for stopping by to check out the newest DIY. I really couldn’t decide if I should continue decoration do-it-yourselves or start some do-it-yourselves to give as presents for the month of December. For some reason I just love decorations and how easy it is to just do it at home. So, I’ve decided that this month, every Sunday, I will be posting DIY presents. ‘Tis the season to be giving and why not create your own presents. Nothing is more lovely than a homemade gift.


DIY Spooky Halloween Decorations

Happy Sunday Funday!

Hope you all have had a great day so far. The night is not over and there is still some time to create some more Halloween decorations. This week I have some simple and fairly cheap DIYs for you to try out.

Eerie Mirror from Domythic Bliss

hallow12 025

Printed image
Spray Paint

Print image
Take apart frame
Spray paint inside of glass
Use rag to make scratch marks
Let dry
Put back together

For detailed instructions, visit Domythic Bliss’ tutorial here.

Paper Mache Skull from Grim Hollow Haunt


Basic Skull
Paper mache paster (1 part water/ 1 part flour or 3/4 glue/ 1/4 water)

Use skull as base
Layer newspaper over
Let dry
Cut/ peel off
Tape back together

For detailed instructions, visit Grim Hollow Haunt’s tutorial here.

Spell & Potion Book from Better After


old books
paper towels
small plastic Halloween paraphenilia
hot glue gun
mod podge
black paint
metallic paint
paint brushes

glue plastic pieces to books
use mod podge to layer paper towels
let dry
paint black
let dry
use metallic paint for details

For detailed instructions, visit Better After’s tutorial here.

Saturday Styles in LA 10/24 [Halloween Edition P. 1]

Goooood morning friends!

Today I wanted to give you some ideas on simple costumes to put together for parties or clubs. I know that throughout the month there will be a lot of Halloween related events going on and you definitely don’t need to spend a lot of $$ to look good!

Last year I made one post with my top 5 costume ideas. It was super simple, low budget ideas. This year I am going to have TWO posts. However, I want to include some ideas for clubbing and work contests.

Next week I’ll show you some expensive, extensive, OUTRAGEOUS costumes. I’ll even include some rave costumes and give you a look into what I am wearing this year and what I wore last year for Escape From Wonderland.


How delicious is this ice cream costume? It’s simple, cute, and creative!
Totally ideal for a office work costume.


Want to swim in the ocean in Flounder? Here’s a quick ensemble!
This can totally be changed up with a mermaid scale skirt, scrunch bikini bottoms, or high waisted shorts- all can be found on club wear sites and in few club wear stores.


Get a bestie to dress as Mike Wisowsky and you’d be a great pair!
This could even be changed up with purple shorts. Don’t forget about the pig tails.


This is super cute for a night at the club. Easy to get the corset from intimate clothing stores but a little time consuming to add the tiger stripes.


Sugar, Spice, and Everything Nice!
Get the girl posse together for something new. This look can go many ways. Dresses, tutus, corsets, high waisted shorts, scrunch bikini bottoms… The sky is the limit!


Woof woof!
Another one for the girl groups. Quick to put together and fun when all the girls start acting like goof balls!

DIY Halloween Decor

We’re getting closer to my favorite holiday! I totally forgot to post my Saturday Styles yesterday but this next week I plan on sharing some simple costumes to put together in case you’re in a rush for some last minute parties or events.

Today, I am sharing three Pinterest Halloween crafts that I found. They seem super easy, pretty cheap to recreate, and creepy enough to use in your home for this spooky holiday. Yes, Halloween in a holiday to me.

Let’s begin!

Black Vases


I found this on Pinterest and the link sent me to Kerli (one of my favorite artists) on her Buzznet account. However, there is no tutorial on how to create these beautiful vases. It does seem simple though.

1. Find vases at thrift stores or yard sales
2. Clean them
3. Buy black spray paint or black paint

Other materials include newspaper, face masks, and gloves.


This tutorial on apothecary bottles is thanks to Magia Mia on


pill bottles, jars, little plastic containers
glue gun
black chalk paint
rusty colored paint


Draw designs and wording on bottles
Use glue gun to trace over words
Paint over with black chalk paint
Dab rust colored paint over to add aging effect
Cut cork into round size for each bottle top

For a better, detailed instructions check out the tutorial here.

skeleton dish empty

Spooooky! Check out this dollar store DIY from Four Front Doors.

plastic skeleton
plastic candle holder
plastic tea light holder
white/ silver spray paint
black acrylic paint

Glue tea light holder to candle holder
Break skeleton into pieces
Glue pieces to tea light holder
Prime entire piece with white spray paint
Then spray with silver spray paint
Use black acrylic paint to in details
Use paper towel to wipe away some paint to add texture

For more detail, check out the tutorial here.