
DIY Mother’s Day Gifts

Remember when we were kids and every year in school we would have arts & crafts to create our parents gifts for Mother’s Day and Father’s Day? Those were the easy days. Now we take them out to brunch, buy them gifts, or tidy up their home just to say thank you for birthing us. (more…)

Saturday Styles in LA 5/7

You would think being born and raised in California that I would prefer to be in the sun, enjoying the warm weather in a bikini and on the sand. Nope! I love the cold, rainy weather. I love layers and warm cozy sweaters. I do not know how I would do living in an area that snows though; that may be a little too cold. (more…)

DIY Succulent Plants

This California drought has brought out the succulents. I’ve seen more and more in the market place, fake and real. However, I think the beauty and striking appearance of them has attracted buyers to them rather than the fact that they are the easiest plant to care for. (more…)

DIY Valentine’s Day Scratch Off Card

Good afternoon readers!
Today is a beautiful day that needs to be enjoyed outside. But first, let me give you a quick Valentine’s Day DIY since that special day is coming up right around the corner. Even though Valentine’s Day has become more of a ‘Hallmark Holiday’ and people have started to care less about spoiling their significant other on this day, I still like to do something cute. I know, I knowโ€ฆ ‘but Jessica, you’re supposed to show your partner that you love them EVERYDAY.’ I do! (more…)

What’s the dealio with Blog Lovin’?

Our Beauty writer Ashley has convinced me that it would be a great idea to connect That LA Writer to Blog Lovin’. She said it would be an easy way to get more traffic to the website. Before our talk I had never even heard of Blog Lovin’. Of course, before I signed us up last night I did some research. (more…)

DIY Lucky Origami Stars

About six years ago I took an adventure through China Town in LA and came across a small store that had a jar of cute paper stars. The lady behind the table noticed my interested and told me about them. I remember her telling me a story about them, she showed me the package of paper strips to make them, and then showed me personally how to make them. (more…)

Saturday Styles in LA 1/23

It will be a lovely 66ยบ here in Los Angeles, but hey! It’s California so there is a chance that it could actually get warmer by the middle of the day. (more…)

DIY Dandelion Paperweight

See that yellow flowered weed that is growing in your yard? One day it’ll burst into a silly looking, white dandelion seed head. You’ll either stomp on it, cut it out, or have the same mentality as I do about them. That dandelion means something to someone like me. When I was younger I was told that they make wishes come true. Close your eyes, whisper a wish into the seeds, then blow them into the air.


Saturday Styles in LA 1/16

I am loving this cold weather in Southern California. Today Los Angeles will be a lovely, yet chilly 66ยบ! That means keep your cool weather clothing out longer and continue those cute layered outfits. (more…)

LATE DIY Bottled Nebula

Have you ever written a blog post or typed out something for class in Word then accidentally deleted it. Like, to never be seen again? As in there is no way in getting it back? No? Just me? Great. (more…)