
DIY Halloween Decor

We’re getting closer to my favorite holiday! I totally forgot to post my Saturday Styles yesterday but this next week I plan on sharing some simple costumes to put together in case you’re in a rush for some last minute parties or events.

Today, I am sharing three Pinterest Halloween crafts that I found. They seem super easy, pretty cheap to recreate, and creepy enough to use in your home for this spooky holiday. Yes, Halloween in a holiday to me.

Let’s begin!

Black Vases


I found this on Pinterest and the link sent me to Kerli (one of my favorite artists) on her Buzznet account. However, there is no tutorial on how to create these beautiful vases. It does seem simple though.

1. Find vases at thrift stores or yard sales
2. Clean them
3. Buy black spray paint or black paint

Other materials include newspaper, face masks, and gloves.


This tutorial on apothecary bottles is thanks to Magia Mia on magiamia.blogspot.com


pill bottles, jars, little plastic containers
glue gun
black chalk paint
rusty colored paint


Draw designs and wording on bottles
Use glue gun to trace over words
Paint over with black chalk paint
Dab rust colored paint over to add aging effect
Cut cork into round size for each bottle top

For a better, detailed instructions check out the tutorial here.

skeleton dish empty

Spooooky! Check out this dollar store DIY from Four Front Doors.

plastic skeleton
plastic candle holder
plastic tea light holder
white/ silver spray paint
black acrylic paint

Glue tea light holder to candle holder
Break skeleton into pieces
Glue pieces to tea light holder
Prime entire piece with white spray paint
Then spray with silver spray paint
Use black acrylic paint to in details
Use paper towel to wipe away some paint to add texture

For more detail, check out the tutorial here.

5 Quick Costume Ideas

Four more days until Halloween!
Do you have your costume ready? If not, don’t worry we have selected five quick costumes that can be created within the next four days and be ready in time for a great night.

The easiest- a cat


This can be easily duplicated with black eyeliner. It’d go best with an all black outfit. Cat ears and tail can be found at your local Halloween store or even a dollar store!

A couple idea- burglars


This can easily be duplicated with just black and white striped shirts, black gloves, black pants, and black shoes. The mask can be bought or painted on with face paint. A canvas bag will be the icing on the cake with this quick costume.

Simple, yet awesome- Wednesday Adams from the Adams Family


This costume idea can be duplicated with a black dress, black tights, black eyeliner, and two pigtails.

A classic- witch


Who hasn’t been a witch for Halloween? Well, if you’re in a rush it wouldn’t hurt to be one again. You could even add a twist to this classic. Try a short black dress, striped stockings, black heels, and a large black hat. Add a broom to complete this look.

Cartoon couple- the Fairly Odd Parents Cosmo and Wanda


Channel your inner kid for Halloween with this cute couples costume. Cosmo can be created with a white button up, black tie, and black pants. Wanda can be created with a yellow shirt and black pants. Temporary hair paint can be bought at your local Halloween store to give these costumes a great hair do! Don’t forget some wings, wands, and crowns– all of which can be DIYs found on Pinterest.

These are just some of my favorites. You can find more DIY costumes on Pinterest. I hope you all have a great Halloween!